Thursday, October 9, 2008

From the Devil...

Brown bootish shoes from the thrift store- terribly uncomfortable and obvliously from the devil

The pre stomach bug hitting feeling- yes, of the devil

Can't find things that we bought and need to find and yet they are nowhere- either the trolls, or the devil

Fleas- definetly from the devil

Up and down gas prices- The devil lives in gas

Something dead in the fridge- Could be me needing to clean out the fridge, but mostly likely...devil

Waitresses with short shorts- Probablly make good tips, but surely are of the devil

Skinny people that stay skinny no matter what they eat- Spawn of satan

Paying $4.31 for a drink at Starbucks- The devil makes me do it

Presidential debates- Bring out the devil

Halloween- Should I say it? (that is for you Kim)

Brakes & Transmissions- you guessed it...devil

I wish I had a little Black box.


HEATHER said...

You are so funny Missy you crack me up!!!!! Just blame it on the devil now you are SILLY to pay that much money for a starbucks when its just coffee.....dear. I'll pour you a cup of coffee add some flavor put some whip cream and you can pay me, OK.

Mary said...

You forgot chairs.

Kim said...

Hilarious! Laughing until cereal is almost coming out of my nose. I can hear your voice, too.

Stace' said...

Where do you come up with this stuff?

You are a riot!

Michelle said...

LOL!!! I love you church lady! "hmmmm, maybe Satan?"

This made me laugh so hard. You're hilarious.

valerie said...

LOL!!!!! You are so funny! But I must admit to the Starbucks thing too.

Marsha said...

Have you been listening to Charlie Daniels again?

The Sawyers said...

You are a nut. I was sorry to see that you lost your favorite kitchen gadget. That happens to be my favorite one to!! We must me sisters.

Jessica Rian said...

Hey this is funny except for the one about the skinny people that eat everything and stay skinny I am not the spawn of Satan

care-in said...

I love this! And for the sake of iced chai is not the same if you try to make it yourself or use a different brand. I assume that was the drink you paid $4 for!!

Anonymous said...


Abbey said...

To Hell with the Devil!

Remember that song by (I think it was)"Stryper"?
Anyway, to hell with him whether or not you remember that song. It was a sucky song, so no worries. But the devil is bad. Bad bad bad. Stay away from him!! That may even look like "no Starbucks coffee for you" my friend! THe truth hurts. :)

Jeri Tanner said...

Ha! You're right. That ol' slewfoot.

And also, Prada.

Jeanny said...

Apparently the devil was out in full force huh?

I agree with jess, we are not the spawn of Satan ;)

Anonymous said...

i have another one to add to your list...maternity swimsuits.