I've been feeling Crafty and Nesty here lately, so I thought I'd share some of my latest craftiness.
I will go ahead right now and assure you it is nothing spectacular and that you too can do anything with Modge Podge glue and the Dollar Tree!
Project #1:
I've had this mirror, FOREVER. As a matter of fact I think it is one of the first things I bought for Stacy and I's first apartment over 11 years ago.
I still like the mirror, but it needed some work.

Enter Modge Podge & Hobby Lobby

Really, it couldn't have been easier. Modge Podge some paper, paint a letter, and add some embellishments. I like the change.
Project # 2:
I got this magnet board on my recent trip to Pigeon Forge with my sister.
I've been wanting something to hang on my back splash, that I could hang recipes on when I'm cooking.
Again, could not be easier...stickers, some modge podged clothes pins with a magnet on the back, an embellishment, and some ribbon.
Missy's my name. Simples my game.
Project #3
I've been seeing the idea all over the Internet for this dollar tree craft using a vase and a candle holder.
You get the glass candle stick holder, and the glass vase/candle holder, and glue them together.
Some people use hot glue, some people use e6000 or something like that. I use hot glue cause thats what I have.
Since Fall is in the air today, I made a little Fall candle holder. Me likey. Me ready for Fall.
Project #4:
Another Dollar Tree craft that again is SO easy.
I saw these napkin holders. I love the bubble look on the outside, and thankfully they are flat on the inside.
Enter Modge Podge Glue and cute paper!
I just so happen to have double sided paper I had bought at a scrapbook outlet store in PF. Unfortunately I only bought 1 sheet of that fabulous paper. But I have been able to make 2 napkin holders out of it.
Lookey how cute! I made this one a couple weeks ago, but I made another one today, but didn't take a picture yet. The one I made today has a tag in the middle that says "S & P", and I have, thats right, you guessed it, Salt and Pepper shakers inside it.
Oh how I love Modge Podge Glue, Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby, scrapbook paper, stickers, and feelin' crafty!
For the first time ever, I am going to link to
Todays Creative Blog, for "Get your craft on Tuesday". I love to see other peoples ideas and crafty craftiness.