Girl, you blog! Very has been a pleasure to look over your site and get to know you better through what you've written and shared. I love it! You're a good writer. And I can't wait to try your spicey black eyed pea soup. Blessings to you and your sweet little family!
I'm so impressed by all your craftiness ... and the kids seem to love it too. Way to go!
TOO cute! Is there going to be a prize for Marmi under her Christmas tree?!
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your awesome playlist!
Today, we made paper chains and a gingerbread house while listening to it. We also ate cookies and drank hot chocolate. Yummy day!
Girl, you blog! Very has been a pleasure to look over your site and get to know you better through what you've written and shared. I love it! You're a good writer. And I can't wait to try your spicey black eyed pea soup. Blessings to you and your sweet little family!
Jeri Tanner
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