Saturday, February 9, 2008


The aftermath of flu '08 has hit me. It will take me a week to dig out from under the mountains of housework that have been left for me. I have to work in baby steps. Today I took Logan to his basketball game and then to Wal-mart. That was enough to send me to bed for 2 hours when I got home. Yesterday was the same. Lunch and the post office and I was completely spent.

So I sit...
Dirty Laundry in the garage...

Clean laundry in the living room...

Dishes piled up in the kitchen...

Bedding that really just needs to be burned...

And the bathroom...Well I'm not even going to go there!

Oh, and let me add a daughter that has been banned to her room for the afternoon for being shall we say...a tad bit bossy and aounary... and now messy!

So whoa is me...whoa to the recovery...whoa to the laundry...whoa to the kitchen...whoa whoa to the bathroom...whoa to my lack of parenting this week...whoa to the flu! I hate you darned flu! I wish you upon no one. I wish you would leave my house for good. I wish the cleaning trolls would come and wave their magic cleaning wands while I sleep tonight.


Michelle said...

Oh poo! So sorry about the mounds of piled up work. But you should post some after pictures as inspiration.

Marsha said...

Thank you for sparing us a bathroom picture...although Michelle would have LOVED it I'm sure!

So, shall I bring my own towel, wash cloth and airmattress with sheets when I come, or will Thursday be a better day? (And no, I will not be your house cleaning troll! I have my own tale of whoas going on here after being sick for 10 days.

No excuse me. I have 2 weeks worth of ironing to do for you Dad so he has shirts for his trip.

Anonymous said...

glad your on the mend...glad i'm not the only one with an aounary daughter - yes, she is a daddy's girl!

Stace' said...

If I lived closer...

Love the picture of Princess Cranky Pants!

Leslie said...

I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. It sucks when you feel bad and your house looks as bad as you feel. Happens to all of us. Hope you start to feel better! said...

who was it that said to whistle while you work? may your cleaning trolls show up tonight!

Chuck Hicks said...

That's it.

I'm calling DSS