Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Love Day!

Happy day of love to all my peeps!
I love Valentines day. To me its a day to do something fun for my family that will give them fun memories for years to come. Since we moved into this house 5 years ago, I have had a Valentines party for the fam. This morning I made breakfast ( um, yeah, I don't usually do that!) and everyone opened their gifts. I love buying gifts for Valentines. Everybody gets something they wouldn't normally get in the middle of Febuary! Stacy got a new and improved coffee grinder and a bag of dark chocolate. Logan got Zoo Tychoon for his computer and a box of chocoloate. Lana got Hannah Montana Pj's and a container of kisses.
I also get everybody a card and write nice stuff about them in it. I save all of our Valentine cards and I think it will be fun in years to come to go back and read them.
So yes, while Valentines may be an over commercialized excuse for feeding the economy, I enjoy it because it's a day that is special in my family and a day that I think the kids will always grow up remembering as such.
Oh, and what did I get? Well Logan got me red Tulips and Lana got me a chocoalate rose.
Stacy...well he fills a little overwhelmed by the whole Valentines thing. We're going on a date tomorrow night though! Yeah for dates and for Marmi coming to watch the kids!
Now off to childrens theater for "Tom Sawyer".
Happy Valentines day friends. I am sending you all virtual roses, hugs, and chocolates!


Marsha said...

And Marmi gets to be with her precious little ones while Pappy is off to the races!

Kim said...

yeah yeah, I know I'm completely unfun about Valentine's Day. I'm glad you make it about your fam. This year I did a ton of stuff though and the boys are super excited.